Refer to pages 23 to 25 of the Checkpoint Collector guide to create this configuration.

opt/CPmds-R62/customers/clm1/CPshrd-R62/tmp/.CPprofile.csh: No such file or directory. Performing cpridstop ("/opt/CPmds-R62/customers/clm1/CPshrd-R62/bin/cpridstop"): Type the following command and add the following lines, save and close the file: By default this file is all commented out and as long as that is also the case for your environment, then simply add the following uncommented two lines to the bottom of the file: Save and exit the file and then edit nf file. ]# vi cpmad_nfĪfter you open the cpmad_nf file in vi, change the following cpmad_nf default lines: Type the following commands, pressing enter after each one: | Total customer add-ons checked: 1 1 up 0 down | | Type| Name | IP address | FWM | FWD | CPD | CPCA | Which should return a table similar to this: Quickly confirm the desired CLM is up and running by typing the following command: Login in Expert mode by typing "expert" and enter the provider superuser password.