Thereare also food items which you need to make yourself such aspies.Armors, Weapons and ToolsSeven new complete armors sets with weapons and tools can becrafted by using ingots, sticks and other items. They drop warg fur and wargbones.Ingots, Ores and BlocksAll of the new ores can be found underground as any other ores.Ores can be used to get valuable metals which can then be used forcrafting armors, tools and weapons.Food ItemsMost of the food items can be obtained by killing hobbits. They dropbow and arrows.Warg Riders (spawn egg ID: 515) are orcs which ride armoredwargs.Wargs (spawn egg ID: 513) are animals which are usually tamed bythe orcs and used for riding. They drop all kinds of delicious fruit, pies andvegetables.Wood Elves (spawn egg IDs: 518, 521, 522) are characterized bytheir pointed ears and can be found roaming the woods. In this mod they are about the same size asyourself. Besides the orcs also Olog Hais and warg riders will appear.And as you can imagine, they aren’t exactly friendly!Hobbits (spawn egg ID: 514) are like small humans living in thelands of Middle-earth. They drop troll bones, orc steel ingots andleather.Every once in a while a legion of orcs (spawn egg ID: 530) willspawn. They drop troll bones and leather.Olog Hai (spawn egg ID: 519) are evil trolls which are alliedwith the orcs. They drop woodblocks and sticks.Mountain trolls (spawn egg ID: 520) are big creatures which areallied with the orcs. It’s a mix of both friendly and hostilemobs.Ents (spawn egg ID: 511) are living trees which exist in threedifferent variants as seen in the image below.

It’s a great experience which offers a lotof new features to explore.MobsFifteen new mobs are added to the game and all of them can be foundspawning randomly. Seven new armors and loads of weapons and toolsalso come with the mod. Ents, warg riders and mountain trolls arejust a few of the new mobs which you will come across in yourfuture journeys. The Lord of the Rings Pocket Edition Modintroduces the lands of Middle-earth and its inhabitants toMinecraft Pocket Edition.